IDENTIPEDIA : Internet Resource Guide
IDENTIPEDIA : C Camels Camels Other Species, Breeds of Livestock Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science Cameras Cantaloupe Capitals -- The 50 states of the United States and the US commonwealths and territories Caribou Carnivores (dogs, cats, hyenas, genets, mongoose, bears, raccoon, weasels, seals, sea lions, walrus) Order Carnivora -- Sacramento State Carpet Caves Cave formations Caterpillars & Moths What's this caterpillar? UK: "The only website that helps identify caterpillars in Britain & Europe, with over 800 species listed" Beds Moth Group Identification Resources UK Cattle Brands Centipedes Chameleons Anoles Cheetah African Wildlife Foundation Chemicals Chicken Pox Chickens Chipmunk The Eastern Chipmunk in the Home, Yard, & Garden Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet Clocks Clouds Clouds Texas Parks & Wildlife Codes & Ciphers Comets Constellations University Lowbrow Astronomers Introduction to the Constellations Pictures in the Sky, Sea & Sky Table: The Constellations College of St Benedict/St John's University, Minnesota Continents Color-coded Continents US Geological Survey: Reconstructions of continental motions from 620 million years ago through the present The Continents of the World Nations Online Learn to Identify Continents & Oceans *pdf file* NASA ISSEarthKam Continents & Oceans Multiple Choice Exercise by Tami Maloney Counties Identify the Counties of England by Jo Edkins Cows Cattle: Breeds of Livestock; Oklahoma State University, Department of Animal Science Department Breeds of Cows Kansas State University, K-State Dairy Science Club Dairy Cow Breeds US 4-H Virtual Farm Dairy Cattle Breeds University of Arkansas Types of Dairy Cows Farm School, Knox County Ohio Chillingham Wild Cattle The sole survivors of herds that once roamed the forests of Britain; Chillingham Wild Cattle Association, UK Also of interest: Dairy Cattle Judge's Score Card * pdf file * with Breed Characteristics; South Dakota State University, College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences And don't miss: BELTED GALLOWAYS: THE “OREO-COOKIE” COW Crayfish Crawfish Criminals Crystals Crystals Texas Parks & Wildlife Currency Suggest a topic or submit your identification-oriented website: |
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